Friday, March 6, 2009

The Big 3

Whoops. Has it really been three months since I have posted?

I guess that comes with my not doing too much wedding "stuff" in these last three months, and trying to focus on what I wish my blog's focus to be. My sweetie has wisely advised me in this area and we have decided to prioritize the function of this page as such:

My reasons for posting anything at all are to help myself (and possible others) to be less consumeristic, more environmentally sustainable and altogether community-oriented. These items are true for my life and my hope is also for our wedding day.

When faced with a tedious or menial wedding decision to make, we are trying to go about doing it with a positive attitude and "bueno onda" as they say in Argentina: good energy. This, too shall pass and all too soon: our wedding celebrations will be a time for most of our dear family and friends to carouse and dance, break bread and be merry with us.

Some things we're doing to be less consumeristic, more environmentally sustainable and community-oriented:

*We don't know too many folks at the exact site of our wedding, but we're using the caterers who are family of neighbors (they also happen to be uber-flexible and use local and organic food!)

*Hiring a high school group of kids to wash dishes to raise money for their organization

*Buying local wildflowers from farmers in the area from the farmer's market that morning.

Some other things we're doing...

*Our band is not from the area, but are friends-of-friends and they include their own network of traditional music-playing friends, some from the vicinity.

*We're using real plates, silverware, tablecloths, etc. that will be reused (and are not "bright" white- so hopefully no bleach will be used when they are washed).

*My dress is being made by a friend. We're going to pick out the organic cotton fabric this week.

*We're encouraging friends to carpool and create community by out-of-towners crashing at the homes of in-state friends before they road-trip to the locale together.

*Potluck-style parts of the meal and beverages

We would like our event to feel more "homegrown" than "ordered out" ... but that's us. I've read plenty of ways to have a "Green Wedding" where things feel more formal. That's great, too- just not our style. And I think therein lies the most important thing: make it YOUR style. Whatever you do, whatever's important to you, that's what I've learned from this whole process so far. We would like this to be a reflection of who we are as a couple and how we would like to begin our lives together.

Until next time...