Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thoughts of an Eco-Groovy Bride


You've found your way to my weBLOG. I've been a wanna-be writer for some time, now- having minimal success after even less effort. I've seen friends' "blogs" and have thought, "I could do that!" but just needed something to say.

Then in August, I got engaged.

And this created a problem.

The man to whom I'm betrothed is NOT the problem. He is a kind, devoted and thoughtful man (the fact that he's a man and not a woman is something I figure I'll touch on sometime on this blog as well), but the problem arose when we began looking at planning a celebration.

You see, we are (quite) political liberal environmentalists. And no one who REALLY cares about Mother Earth would subject Her to all the extravagance and consumption that is the American Wedding. However, we still want to begin our wedded life surrounded by most of our family and friends. We've been world-travelers and all-over-the-world-livers and this means this party will not be small and folks will be coming from far and wide to be with us on our Special Day. There's a part of us which would love to have a tiny gathering of immediate family, but we have made a family of amazing friends and can't imagine being forced to exclude some of our best-loved friends because their genes are not related to our genes.

I digress. Anyway, we're attempting to plan a wedding that's environmentally-friendly and also FUN-friendly. I have found some great resources, but thought I might be able to add to the online chatter to help out other Eco-conscious Brides and Grooms.

Please feel free to contact me with your ideas, responses and suggestions and together may we create a more Eco Groovy environment when we put our minds together for weddings and for our Future.

Eco G. Bride

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